Innovation in technology depends upon the inclusion of diverse voices to ensure that the benefits of the innovation economy are equitable.
Tech companies are working with policymakers to close gender, racial, and socio-economic gaps in the STEM field by enabling targeted investment in communities and schools nationwide. Since learning doesn’t end in the classroom, tech promotes apprenticeship programs and reskilling opportunities for workers at all stages of their career.
And by advancing inclusive technologies, tech is increasing accessibility to ensure that we are readying our workforce for the challenges of the 21st century.

Tech companies support smart policies, such as ensuring that minority communities are included in the workforce of tomorrow and supporting extending workplace protections to nontraditional workers. There needs to be increases in federal investments in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions.
Tech companies advocate for increased funding for STEM education and expanded access to affordable high-speed broadband, to prepare our workforce with the skills and resources necessary to meet tomorrow’s demands. Only by working together can we achieve the future we’ve dreamed of for generations.

Increasing STEM programs for children
Each year tens of thousands of open jobs at technology companies go unfilled as a result of a workforce that is falling behind on the skills needed for these high-paying jobs. STEM skills are key to a 21st century workforce and several programs have been launched to help close the gap and ensure students are ready for the technology-focused jobs of the future. The need is particularly acute for girls. Recent studies show that women now represent half of the national workforce yet still only account for 27% of STEM jobs. From Boolean Girl and Girls Who Code to the Girl Scouts, there are a growing number of STEM-focused programs devoted to helping close this gap.