The strength of the U.S. economy relies on consistent job growth and reimagining employment and training opportunities for the domestic workforce to meet the demands of the future.
Tech represents a growing, critical part of the U.S. economy and workforce. The tech sector is larger than the 12 million workers employed directly by U.S. tech companies. Technology permeates our society and provides irreplaceable services and products that nearly every other U.S. industry relies upon to conduct daily business.

Good policy supports increased funding for STEM and computer science education, as well as expanded apprenticeships, technical training programs and tech-focused workforce development programs that can help the U.S. develop a more globally competitive workforce. It means bolstering federal funding for investments in Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). And bringing new, life-changing services for persons with disabilities and strengthening the development and adoption of inclusive policies and technologies for this community.